Hello beautiful soul! I am a mentor and healer who is passionate about helping ambitious and high achieving women feel more joy, pleasure and purpose! I help women live, love and lead from their hearts and feminine power.

I believe my clients are highly capable yet magical humans! I empower women have a more powerful and loving relationship with themselves, their bodies and their feelings. I guide women to revolutionize their relationship with self but also with others. Through various healing modalities and my education in Social Work, I guide women in transforming personally and professionally.

My love, if you are ready to become the best version of yourself and live the life of your dreams, you are in the right place. Heart awakening and expansion is here to lead the way!

Much love,



My Offerings

I offer 1:1 mentorship which includes coaching, healing and ceremony. I create the roadmap for you that I wish I had years ago when I began my spiritual journey. I have the ability to see and read what each client needs for their highest evolution. I am here to facilitate your journey of deep personal discovery and inspired action that is aligned with your higher self. If you are ready for the tools, strategies and techniques to finally start living YOUR best life, read on….

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My Story

From the moment I was born… I faced adversity. Some of my deepest traumas were experienced in the first 20 years of my life. It has been a process learning to feel safe again. I discovered the power of transforming my pain into my power. My studies in Social Work taught me how to hold space for people in therapeutic and trauma informed way. Now, I am guiding women all around the world in their healing while living a free spirited yet wholesome life in Europe with my loving boyfriend and sweet dog.

My story »

Client Results

I deeply cherish each client relationship. My clients are not only soul clients but also soul sisters. I create a loving space for them to heal but I also challenge them to reach new heights. Sometimes the growth is very uncomfortable and triggering. However, I am so proud to see my clients put in the work and eventually fly. Some clients choose longer 1:1 mentorship with me and these are the ones who see the most dramatic improvements. Here you will find some words of love from a few clients.

Client Love


My Method

My degrees in Social Work are the basis of the work I do with clients. These degrees gave me the understanding of how to support and guide people in transformation. From my 10 years of spiritual and personal development, I share what actually works.

I integrate psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Buddhism, embodiment, inner child work, healing with feminine archetypes, breath work, and so much more into 1:1 mentorship. I go fully in with my clients so that they gain the tools and techniques to become their own best healers.

Click here to directly make an appointment or go to the ‘Offerings’ page for more information!

When we learn to transform self doubt into trust, we can begin to truly commit to becoming our most authentic selves.

Become the best version of yourself

You were put on this planet to serve your unique purpose. My goal is to empower you to make self love a lifestyle, to balance energies within yourself and love your body. I am a firm believe in living unapologetically and shining bright. This life is precious… I will help you make the most of it. It is time to become your own best teacher and healer