Client Love

Working with Stephanie has been incredibly healing and amazing. I signed up for a one on one mentorship and she has truly helped me shine light through darkness. I had been stuck in a dark place where I was feeling empty and lost.

Stephanie created an amazing healing space with each session that we had. I felt that I was truly being heard and each workbook I did led to a greater awareness within me. Her guidance has truly taken me to a space of self growth and love. I have learned to build a better relationship with myself, with others and with my surroundings. I have learned so many tools that have helped me reconnect with myself.

These are tools I will cherish for life. At this point I am feeling confident, clarity, self love, awareness, happiness, peace, and ready for the universe. Stephanie works from the heart, I felt it with every session we had. I am beyond grateful that I could work with someone so passionate in the work that she does. The universe needs it!

— Mayra, UsA, Texas

We are all our own best healers, but I believe Stephanie has been blessed with special gifts that make her a Healer (with a capital ‘H’). She can help to guide you back to yourself, to your power. She creates a personalized holistic healing journey for you, based on your own needs.

I came to Stephanie because I realized I had developed issues with anxiety, anger, and general confusion with my life. Those were just the symptoms, as I soon realized I had been blind and deaf to myself, and I had not been allowing myself to feel difficult emotions. With her guidance, the tools she taught me, and her compassion, she helped to bring me back home to myself – my True Self. 

She guided me in which direction I should go; she helped me to see and hear myself; to re-connect to my feelings and body; to let go of some traumas and weight I had been carrying; and most importantly, to get back to my power. In this process, I also created a stronger connection to God/ the Divine – which is in itself priceless. 

Working with Stephanie has truly been a blessing. It was a hard, heavy, and healing journey filled with so much beauty, tears, and magic. Thank you so much, Stephanie. I am eternally grateful.

Alex- Czech Republic

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I loved working with Stephanie! She is a beautiful soul and incredibly talented, With her soft and gentle way, she helped me to reconnect with my body and relax in my feminine energy. Since then, everything in my life has become so much easier and peaceful. I can't thank her enough! 

— Karin, Berlin, GErmany

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Stephanie gave me a beautiful tarot reading with powerful insights. Her gentle approach and clear reading provided me with the guidance I was looking for to navigate these very uncertain times. Through Stephanie's thoughtful explanation I was able to make sense of what I had been feeling lately and give it words and meaning. She has a truly unique ability and I am so grateful for having experienced her intuitive gift! I look forward to keep working with her and wish every soul she touches a beautiful journey."

-Bettina, Prague, CZech Republic

Stephanie's empathy, kindness and compassion was apparent from the moment we started our session. To begin, she guided me through a meditation; which normally I don't feel comfortable with, but her soft disposition and soothing voice made me feel immediately at ease. The meditation left me feeling a sense openness and readiness to embrace the remainder of the healing session. Through the use of reflection, effective questioning and encouragement; Stephanie was able to bring to light core elements holding me back from achieving my goals and embracing my identity as a mother, partner and caretaker. I left the session feeling a sense of accomplishment and appreciation for myself.

— Dawn, United States

At the beginning of this year, due to whatever reasons, I found myself confused about everything that surrounds me, especially a failed love story. Burn out at work, toxic relationships (friend, love, family/relatives) were the instruments which converted me into a messed up masterpiece. I needed help, I screamed for help but no one would believe me. Apparently “it was never obvious” that I needed help.

In these situations, I was left with no choice but to search for some more specialized help than just a friend and that is where my healing journey with Stephanie comes to play. I remember my first session was mostly tears and grief which was enough for Stephanie to create for me a personalized journey. I was aware of the issues that bothered me, but that was how far I went, Stephanie helped me keep that awareness during the specific situations, and react differently, react with full awareness, having a clear target and purpose in everything I do.

One of the most important things that I learned is acceptance. To accept what happens, feel the emotion, digest it and let it go

Thanks to my 3 months journey, I definitely cleared out all my thoughts and whatever confused me at that time. I am very grateful for all the minutes spent in our 1:1 sessions and our voice chatting through voxer. It is an experience, a journey, a process and a challenge that brings only good when you find yourself in those kinds of situations such as mine. 

Thank you Stephanie, I could smile through pain, but you made me shine again 🫶

Ina- Czech Republic

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"I went to group and one on one events with Stephanie. Each time I learned something new and left with inner peace in my soul. I started on a rough path not being able to meditate or understand my feelings and Stephanie did meditations and rituals personalized for me. She is always listening to me and the giving best advice and practices.After the sessions, she is always reaching out and checking up on how I am while giving more information and advice. I'm so grateful to find a person who is so empathetic and willing to customize every meditation and healing work uniquely. She cares deeply from the bottom of her heart which makes all the difference in the world.

— Diana, Prague, Czech Republic


Stephanie did an amazing job of listening and helping me sort through the issues that were bothering me the most. I felt comfortable expressing myself with her from the beginning. Further, she gave me tools that allowed myself to feel and express feelings that I did not feel comfortable with before. Her dedication to clients is inspirational.

Stephanie- Bogota, Colombia