My own journey of self discovery and development

Stephanie Marie Hernandez, MSW

My name is Stephanie Marie Hernandez and I am insatiably curious about people, self development and the world. I was raised in a small city in the desert of New Mexico but since then my life has taken me from everywhere from Pennsylvania, Spain, and Texas. I have called the beautiful city of Prague in the Czech Republic my home for 5 years. Now I am living in the South of Albania for sun, sand and sea though! I have a loving boyfriend Milos and a sweet tri-pawd doggie from Ukraine named Luna. We all love to recharge by traveling and spending time in nature!

Spirituality has been a part of my life since I was a child due to my amazing mother.  My mother embraced traditional Mexican healing methods and was connected to the spirit world. Spirits, ghosts, energies and psychics were in my sphere all before I was 10 years old! From a young age, I felt the need to help others despite my own upbringing with a single mom who struggled. I was called to being a helper starting at age 14 with volunteer work.

My journey as a helper lead me to studying social work and I obtained my Bachelors and  Master’s Degree in Social Work . All before the age of 30, I worked in various fields of social work including research, child abuse investigations, organizational development, leadership coaching and development, and finally community education and training. My clients ranged from hospital leaders to parents accused of being abusive towards their children. Working in such diverse environments was amazing but my favorite work was always with women. Whether it was helping an overwhelmed mom find resources for her family or teaching teen girls about relationships, it was these interactions that provided me with the most inspiration.

However, despite this amazing work, I felt that that the deeper connection to my work was missing. Also, I was out of touch with my heart and intuition. I coped with stress through numbing. I quickly burned out and felt a yearning that there was something more. My journey lead me to Europe, where I redefined myself, my values and my purpose. As a result, I dived deep into my spiritual development through journaling, meditation, yoga, EFT, shadow work, embodiment, balancing of feminine and masculine energies and so much more!

Now I love that I can create a roadmap and give guidance for women in the way I wish I had years ago! I love to hold space for women and help them gain clarity on their struggles. Women benefit immensely when they find spaces and people that allow them to freely express and be theirselves. I want to empower as many women as possible to tap into their intuition, unlock their hidden talents and follow their wildest dreams. I believe the most transformational energies are gratitude, love and forgiveness. I believe that the greatest empowerment for women comes when they return home to their bodies fully, live unapologetically and claim their deepest desires. Finally, I am also a ceremonialist focusing on moon, cacao and women’s ceremonies. 

I am devoted to living a path dedicated to my body, aligned service, union, and the highest expression of love possible. My coaching company is called Pursuits of the Heart in honor of helping others heal and expand from the space of their hearts. Learning to live from the heart was the greatest gift I have received in life and now I wish to share this with others. <3

Much love,


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Don’t resist or shame your challenges. Your challenges are the catalysts to greater courage, resilience and compassion. You are meant for expansion, not defeat. Choose to believe that a stronger yet more loving version of yourself is inevitable.