“Stephanie has been blessed with special gifts that make her a healer. With her guidance, tools she taught me and her compassion, she helped to bring me back home to my true self. She helped me reconnect to my feelings, body, and power.
— Alex
“Stephanie is a great healer for “matters of the heart”. Her empathy, kindness and compassion were evident from the start.”
— Dawn
One of the most important things I learned was acceptance. I learned to finally “feel” my emotions and what that really means. Thank you Stephanie, I could smile through the pain but you made me shine again!
— Inna


The offering that has changed lives

This is for the ambitious and high achieving woman who wants to step off the hamster wheel of struggle, hustle, and disconnection to herself…

Instead she wants to reclaim and create an extraordinary life filled with more joy, love, purpose and pleasure!

What you will leave behind…

  • Being in your head too much… over worrying and overthinking.

  • Constantly feeling you’re in hustle and grind mode.

  • Feeling like your feelings and sensitivities are a burden.

  • Being stuck in unsatisfying relationships where you give way more than you receive.

  • Not knowing how to express your boundaries.

  • Difficult relationships with your mother, father or siblings.

  • Feeling burdened by generational patterns, beliefs and curses.

  • Feeling disconnected from, disliking or even hating your body.

  • Not feeling brave enough to live out your true passions and purpose.

  • Feeling stuck in situations and circumstances that do not serve you.

  • Feeling hardened by life and not able to fully relax, enjoy and be present.

What your new self and life will look like…

  • A life filled with more softness, flow, and ease.

  • Feeling more connected to your body and truly loving it.

  • Living, loving and leading from your heart instead of your head.

  • Having healthy, loving and fulfilling relationships.

  • Being the first in your family line to really heal and do things no one has ever done before!

  • Living a life filled with purpose and passion.

  • Creating a business, side hustle or creative project that is truly aligned with who you are!

  • Feeling free to explore the world, live the life of your dreams and live outside societal expectations.

  • Experiencing more pleasure and passion both inside and outside the bedroom.

  • Embracing the power of feminine energy, cyclical living, womb wisdom and so much more!

  • Being able to ride the waves of life with more grit and grace.

How do I know this is for me?

This program is for those who are ready to dive deep into personal transformation. This is an active process and you will be empowered to learn and implement. I expect some experience with personal development, spirituality or therapy.

My clients are typically ambitious, high achieving or very creative. Many are recovering perfectionists and Type A people. They are business owners, corporate workers, artists, freelancers, mothers, and coaches. They know the importance of learning, healing and investing in themselves, self development and spirituality.

My clients are open to shifting and changing. We create a vision together and I support them in that journey of rebirth and transformation. This is a high level program that is personalized to your particular needs, desires and goals. Each client has a special and unique journey with me.


Sacred Heart Elevated Coaching Package

This is the most popular package! This is for the person ready to go all into their transformation and wants high touch support between sessions.

  • 400 euros per month: 2x60 minute sessions held on Zoom with personalized homework, custom workbooks, and Voxer coaching between sessions.  

  • 600 euros per month: 3x60 minute sessions held on Zoom with personalized homework, custom workbooks, and Voxer coaching between sessions. 

    What is Voxer coaching?

    By offering support via Voxer messaging app, you will truly feel like you have support every step of the way. We write or send voice notes between session and we are able to address triggers and situations that arise in real time rather than waiting several days until your next coaching call. 

    Finally, many clients opt to pay in full for 3-6 months at a time to ensure they remain committed and eager to follow though. By making a larger investment in themselves, many of my clients see bigger results.

    Sacred Heart Foundational Coaching Package

    This package is for the person who still wants to have a more active role in their healing journey but is not needing the high touch support between sessions.

  • 300 euros per month 2x 60 minute sessions held on Zoom.  

  • 450 euros per month: 3x 60 minute sessions held on Zoom.

    • Each session comes with a short personalized homework between sessions.

    • These sessions are without custom workbooks and extra Voxer coaching support between sessions.

    If you are ready to begin this life changing journey with me, book your spot below for the first call.