10 Healing Affirmations for Self Love

10 Healing Affirmations for Self Love

To truly live the most fulfilling life possible, you need to create a deep and honoring relationship with yourself. This is truly the most important relationship you will ever have with yourself. So much of what people do is in order to seek validation, love, and approval. However, the greatest approval you should ever strive for is the approval of yourself. When we truly love ourselves we not only do those nice things for ourselves but we learn to prioritize our mental, physical, and emotional needs. We learn to create structures, boundaries and and most importantly a strong foundation. Self love is a tool of getting to know ourselves. Through self love we can gain understanding what thoughts, patterns and beliefs do not serve us. Programming our minds towards greater self love is truly a lifelong process and it looks different throughout our lives. Over time, it does get easier as anything you do with consistent practice. 

Affirmations are one part of this consistent practice and with dedication, they can begin to help shift your mindset. Affirmations are part of my morning routine. Posting an affirmation on a mirror or somewhere you will see it often is also recommended. Another tool to keep in mind with affirmations is writing them over and over. Also, even recording yourself saying a few affirmations is another tool to consider. You could even listen to this recording before bed. I recommend focusing on a few affirmations at a time. Pick the ones that resonate with you the most. If you are struggling with saying or believing these… try attaching “I choose to believe” before each affirmation. Rebuilding our worthiness is a process but I hope these affirmations can help with that process. 

  • I forgive myself for my past mistakes. I understand that I did the best that I could in each situation. I choose to release the past and allow forgiveness of myself and those who have hurt me. 

  • I am empowered to make choices in life that lead to greater happiness, fulfillment and joy. 

  • I am inherently whole. I am more than my wounds, traumas and failures. 

  • I love myself enough to take supreme responsibility for my greatest currencies of time and energy. 

  • I am committed towards meeting my physical and emotional needs with consistency. 

  • The more that I truly show love and compassion towards myself, the more that I will attract those who also treat me with love and compassion. 

  • I let go of the habits, situations, and people that do not serve my greatest good, I create more space in my life for love and abundance. 

  • I embrace the energy of gratitude. I transform the feeling of not enough to enough. Gratitude connects me back to the natural abundance and beauty in my life. 

  • I choose to believe that I am worthy and that everything is always working out in my favor. 

  • I embrace challenges. even if I feel uncomfortable because I know that the greatest growth happens outside my comfort zone and my success is inevitable

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20 Journal Prompts for Times of Uncertainty