Come Home

Come Home

I am a midwife for the soul and the work I do with clients is sacred. I help initiate them into transformation and creativity.

Working with Alex was a blessing. I loved watching her grow into her own best healer, learning to live a heart expansive life and embrace the fullness of who she truly is.

She tapped into two powerful identities: The Poet and The Intuitive. Below you will find one of her beautiful poems.

Come Home

Most of us go through life unaware

Living the life of the physical 

Forgetting what’s already there

As we reach for all that glitters

We realize it soon, too, fades

And we are left with colourless gold

A parable that has been many a time told.

So, what is it really that matters?

Could it have been there all along?

That what is Within You

That what is Above You

And what Grounds You?

A story of trial and error

A story of many endeavours

But there are many ways to meet this nirvana

There are many a way to have it collide within you

Crash, Release, Open

To open the door

Of which you have never been before.

But it takes courage, my friend

You must take off your mask

If you even have to ask

You must release it all

And let it all drip and melt 

The strength you seek is within you

In the deepest depths of your wells.

Only through complete Surrender 

Will you be taken there

Where your questions are answered 

Where you meet your True Self

Once you fully fall into the Void

You can’t help but avoid 

The full extent of Love, of Energy, of Wisdom

That There Is.

The Question Is

Are you Ready to care?

Are you ready to go there?

Are you ready to come here?

-Alexandra Kucera

For the Wandering Soul

For the Wandering Soul

Travel Awakens The Soul

Travel Awakens The Soul