For the Wandering Soul

For the Wandering Soul

I spent my early 20s itching to get out of my small hometown in New Mexico. I spent my mid 20s itching to get out of the US. I spent my early 30s itching to get out of my comfy European capital life. 

Now I am not itching to get out of any particular place.


However, it was time the road for almost 8 weeks starting right after Christmas.  I visited 6 cities in 3 countries. A new record for me.

After a few years away from the US (mostly because of the pandemic) I visited my hometown. Here I faced the stories and wounds that set me away in the first place. 

But I realized I was not that girl anymore. I have spent a lot of searching not for a particular place but a particular feeling. While I did crave new places, it was mostly that feeling of awe that I was chasing. I fell in love over and over again with places. 

Now I was a bit burned out being nomadic. My younger self would have reveled in this life on the road. I was frustrated I wasn’t enjoying the travel time as much. But I soon realized that sense of awe and love is now mostly at home… with my love and my dog. 

Home is now where my love and my pup Luna are. I had been searching for home in a person for a long time as well…. Now it is here. 

However,  all of these parts of my journey have all been very necessary. My curiosity led me all around the US and Europe. My curiosity led me to experiential learning. My curiosity led me to my soulmate. 

I believe some of us are meant to grow and expand through exploration and curiosity. However, this is a clear difference from escapism and running away. I know both sides of this coin well. 

But somehow in it all, you must trust yourself.

So wandering soul, my prayer for you is that you trust yourself. 

Trust yourself to know when to stay and when to go. 

Trust yourself to create a sense of home wherever you go.

Trust yourself to choose people who make you feel at home. 

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5 Ways to Make Sustainable and Lasting Changes.

Come Home

Come Home