Travel Awakens The Soul
Read on to discover how travel connects us to our soul’s purpose….
By: J’Nai Emery (Travel Expert and Creative Strategist)
Travel is an ideal way to connect with the world, oneself, and discover our purpose in life. The pursuit of travel is our subconscious longing to genuinely satisfy our desires of having more meaningful and fulfilling experiences. In gratifying our yearning for adventure, we feel more alive. This feeling encourages broadening horizons beyond comfort zones and into an embodiment of our authentic selves - forcing us to show up for life. The more cultural diversities, explorations, and new environments we embrace, the greater our realizations of awakening become.
Connecting to our soul’s purpose:
The very act of traveling encourages mindfulness towards what is worthy of one’s time, energy, and attention throughout the journey’s envelopment. Travel is a special experience that awakens the soul - invigorating us to seek out positive emotional engagements inherent in our current surroundings. It compels us to consider our heart’s true desires and encourages advancement in actualizing those wishes. By submerging into the richness presented within every occurrence, we approach each day as an opportunity to create profound and memorable experiences. In being present, we cultivate greater acceptance plus openness towards offerings from our adventures.
These nourishing interactions mirror life’s reflections back to us - granting us the fortitude to fail forward, get back up, and bravely move onwards. Traveling allows us to redefine failure perceptions by turning experiences into opportunities for transformational healing, nourishment, and growth. Ultimately, transforming that mirror into awareness, development, and motivation. Resulting in opening a pathway of stepping into pursuing the soul’s purpose and wholeheartedly embracing it. Embodying our truest selves creates a higher willingness towards receiving and honoring the life we are meant to live.
In doing so, we hold space for appreciation, kindness, curiosity, and excitement – all of which condition us to embrace daily fulfillment. Exposure to foreign cultures beautifully demonstrates the different ways we express likeness amongst ourselves. In promoting a greater appreciation of any universal factors connecting us as human beings, the extent of our empathy and understanding inevitably amplifies. Through this process, we then learn to live in the vibrance of life and apply it to the version we are seeking to create. Understanding this intention can only be met by consciously deciding that each day will be positively meaningful and approaching it as such.
The blossoming of our awakening:
It is through our travels that we come to learn about ourselves and the types of experiences we want to include more of in our life stories. Essentially, adding more value to our lives by illustrating a version of ourselves to which we can aspire. A lavish version that actively manifests desires of cultivating a meaningful and satisfying life. Ultimately, reclaiming one’s life and reminding oneself of their rightful fulfilling purpose. It is within this magnificent process that we begin to understand the importance of our well-being alongside our found purpose. In turn, bringing the best immanent version of ourselves outwardly, boosting the blooming of our soul.